What is PolyGod?

1 min readAug 6, 2021


PolyGod Technology

Recent technological advances have offered a chance for an altogether new and innovative ancient battle fight experience. Real-time graphics technology, enables dramatic video game aesthetics. Blockchain technology, in the form of the polygon protocol, enabled a largely serverless and secure gaming experience. The use of non-fungible tokens earned and exchanged within PolyGod ecosystem provides an economy that mimics the tangibility and ownership of real-world goods.

Blockchain Mechanism

Blockchain is a network-secured, decentralized, immutable database. The greater the network’s size, the more secure it is. Because it is immutable and decentralized, the data it holds can constitute a digital representation of a tangible asset. As a result, assets on a blockchain cannot be duplicated or destroyed. As a result, currency is a feasible use case for the blockchain. In PolyGod, however, we want to employ both a non-fungible version of blockchain units to represent your assets, and trading units.




PolyGod is a virtual game based on the polygon blockchain that will allow players from all over the world to acquire NFT and battle each other in a 2-10 minute.